Category: running

putting the tough in Thanksgiving workouts

Because it is just a different kind of tough. First there is the motivation tough — the whole family is around, and the kitchen smells great, and you get to put on those damn running clothes and go off and sweat. I spent a few of the days over the break out near Tucson at…

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heat wave??

Yup, Southern CA is having a bit of a heat wave and it’s about 84F now. I never would have thought that the hardest part of my afternoon 4.5 mile run in MID NOVEMBER would be the heat! I had to find a few water fountains along it, which in a way was good since…

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Vineman marathon and finish (aka because an Ironman isn’t painful enough)

It felt good to be running… really good. I was comfortable, heart rate was doing well, and I was moving fluid. I passed a number of people, just keeping a smooth and easy pace averaging about 10:30 min/mile. There were 3 loops, and at the finish of the first I was feeling like I was…

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tapering thoughts

I typed the title, and then read it not as “thoughts about tapering” but that my thoughts themselves are tapering off. I figured it works, given how sucky I have been about maintaining my online personality lately. Sorry, I’ll be back more reliably someday. However, it is taper time. And I’m finding it hard to…

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