heat wave??

Yup, Southern CA is having a bit of a heat wave and it’s about 84F now. I never would have thought that the hardest part of my afternoon 4.5 mile run in MID NOVEMBER would be the heat! I had to find a few water fountains along it, which in a way was good since now I know where a few are. I’ve moved (not far, but enough so that my regular loops are in a different place) and I don’t know them all anymore. Found a few porta-potties as well, which could come in handy someday.

Got it done though. Soon off to finally get an MRI of the problem foot, and then tonight the weather will be great for a 20 mile night road ride! I <3 dodging cars…

4 thoughts on “heat wave??

I know! I was hot on my ride home last night because I forgot to take shorts with me. Gotta luv California. Good luck with the MRI. Hopefully, you’ll get good music to listen to while it’s going on. But not the foot tapping kind cuz that would not be good for the MRI.

oooh I should remember my shuffle just in case. Although last MRI I had took only a few minutes (hand one) and wasn’t bad at all. But yeah, will try not to dance along.

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