so *that’s* what I’ve been up to

Totals for the year to date:

  • swimming: 115000 yds, 41:59:17 (avg pace 2:11/100yds — including resting between sets)
  • biking: 1625.95 mi, 109:16:56 (avg pace ~15.1 mph)
  • running: 329.33 mi, 53:59:12 (avg pace ~9:50)

A few others as well (mtb, yoga, weights, core, etc) and my total workout time this year is 217 hours, 18 minutes!

May 1, 2006 my totals for the year were:

  • swimming: 48780 yds, 19:11:40 (avg pace 2:22/100yds — including resting between sets)
  • biking: 1236.59 mi, 85:43:10 (avg pace ~14.6 mph)
  • running: 266.76 mi, 49:07:34 (avg pace ~11:03)

And the few others (more mtb by a lot) brought it to 193 hours, 56 minutes!

Then I think about how my IM is even a few weeks later this year, and I get more confident that I am moving in the right direction! Namely stronger and faster 😉

7 thoughts on “so *that’s* what I’ve been up to

You are going to rock it. Must help to have a training partner! Last year, you weren’t really feeling the training.

wow! how do you keep track of all those times and distances? do you use a program or write them all down? i have trouble remembering everything

You really should start working out or something don’t you think? hehe Hard to believe when you add it all up isn’t it. Nice job. Gonna be a good season for you with all that base.

Wow, it’s weird to realize that most people are just beginning their seasons with the collegiate season is all but done.

Best of luck with the IM. Your totals are very impressive, so I’m sure you’ll do great!

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