Slacker (& spender)

Swimming (with Lisa) was good yesterday. She doesn’t look at all as broken as I was worried about! And her swim form in particular looks great as always. This morning though my bed was too warm, and I had been up to late. I may run this evening, or I may let the BAAR Brawl (24ish hours of AR training/mock race) this weekend take care of it.

Last night’s excitement… I FINALLY BOUGHT A COMMUTER BIKE! $75, and it will probably save me much more than that on repairs on the TriBaby with how bad some of the roads are. I really like it so far, but I’ve gotta play with it more (I haven’t even pumped up the tires yet). That is for tonight. But here it is…

Isn’t it cute? An older Trek 1200… complete with shifters on the frame. Shimano 105 components (at least the ones I looked at). And it seemed to shift well (in the front, haven’t tested back yet…). I can’t wait to commute on it next week!

The test commute will have to wait til at least Tuesday though… I’ve got BAAR Brawl this weekend! It’s a 24ish hour mock race for AR, and I’ll be playing with Ross and Matt (Team Engine). It should be fun… I’m excited, and ready for rain and cold and biking and kayaking and dark and lights burning out and muddy fun times in San Francisco! I head up there tomorrow afternoon, and will report more on it Tuesday when I’m back.

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