a different sore

I woke up feeling like I had just done an IM or something. The bottoms of my feet felt almost bruised, my knee was achy, and my legs just felt generally heavy. It hurt to straighten my arms all the way, and I could have slept for a lot longer. It was a tough weekend… of moving. I got in zero workouts when the final packing and the loading and unloading of the truck stole all my time.

But my nice easy run this morning helped the legs, and I LOVED my walk to work. At my afternoon swim, although I could feel my need for sleep, the water felt great. And about 7 minutes on foot sure beats the 52+ miles of driving for a commute! And slowly we are getting the new place all set up.

1 thought on “a different sore

A walk of 7 minutes!! Bet you’re loving that!
Do you like your new place?
By the sounds of it you better rest your body for a bit.
Hi to Mike.

Love Mom Shirley x0

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