my forth time…

PossAbilities Triathlon was this weekend. I felt strong going in, and the day played out well. Just a short report on this one as I’ve been working on my blogging motivation lately (don’t worry, tri motivation is there and strong). Oh, and this was my 4th time at this race (although the course has changed a few times). It was my second tri ever in 2004 and I’ve done it every year 🙂

Fun parts of the tri this weekend (local reverse order sprint – 5k run, 10 mi bike, 150 yd swim):

  • hosting a pro lady (Kim Hager) who was going to speak to our tri club after the race. She was very sweet and I am lucky to have gotten to host her. I’d highly recommend her if you need a coach 🙂
  • racing at the race where I met Mike last year! Wow time flies 🙂
  • A 5k PR! 17:51, compared to my last 24:11!! Ok I’m not going to count it as a PR… the course turned out to be only 2.3 miles 😉 Still the PR was at a 7:41 pace, and this was at a 7:44. So that is good.
  • Improving my bike time (on the same exact course last year) by almost a minute and a half (over 10.8 mi). Last year: 36:25. This year: 34:02. That’s 19 mph!!! And it does have some climbing in it (about 640 ft)
  • Finishing in under and hour! 58:28 official time
  • 3/27 W25-29, 14/113 women, and 91/383 overall! In that overall and womens there is also Kate Major and Julie Swail! Having a local sprint with a big purse means getting to race in a small group with some big names.

I had flying transitions and a lot of fun. The bike was a bit crazy (like last year) since the loops with all the newbies and uturns and pros get a bit… well, crazy.

Mike did awesome (of course): 46:46! 1st M35-39, 3rd male age grouper, 10th male overall, and 12th overall! Kate Major only beat him by a little bit… she was on his feet for the swim but knew you could turn and exit the pool at the start of the stairs, while he swam to the end of them.

Amanda (another PX teammate, a pro) got 3rd women overall! So the PX jersey was on the podium 3 times 🙂

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