moving AGAIN

At some point I will live in one place for a long time again…

First out of college I lived in the same place for a year. Then Irvine was the longest at about a year and a half. With Holly has been about 15 months, but that was in 2 different locations. And now for another new one. Yet again increasing my travel time to and from work. But I drive the longer version half the time now anyways… and it will mean not spliting where I am all the time, which does get old. Yes, Mike and I will be moving in together. We’ve been talking about it, and have found the perfect place and have been approved! He moves in THIS WEEKEND (we think) and I will slowly be joining him, finally really living there Aprilish. Crazy… and scary!!!! My first time living with a boy that I’m dating… It feels sorta like before an Ironman — I’m nervous and worried and wonder if I’m ready or not. And part of me is thrilled and excited and wants it to be here now, knowing that I’ve prepared as I need to and really shouldn’t  be so scared. Yet the scared hangs around 🙂

On a training note, I’ll be farther from the mtn biking areas I know and love, so will have to find some new ones. And I’ll get to find some new running and biking areas, although much of the long rides will be unchanged as our usual loops went sorta near both houses, and all the “near work” routes will still be the same.

And I biked this morning… but not long since I had to get in and work. Thursday is often my easy training day each week since it’s my crazy-busy life day.

4 thoughts on “moving AGAIN

Congrats on the big step. I remember when my wife and I were dating and we first moved in together. Mind you not that long ago. Oh, and if you want to see an interesting schedule, check out my post called “T3”.

All the best to you and all of your big steps. And it’s my belief that if you can handle living with a man, you’re totally Ironman ready (just kidding… mostly 😉 But seriously, train well, move well and be safe!

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