full speed ahead

Training, work, life… all of it seems to be in "zoom" mode.

Work has a bazillion things due last week. That ended up having me work a good 20 or so hours over the weekend, and still putting in longish hours all week. At least I'm hourly 😉

Training has been rocking. Well, Sunday on it has been. Saturday I was working all day.

Sunday: bike ride with a good friend from college. ~40 miles, and a nice amount of climbing. Gave me another fun loop to do.

Monday: biked to the beach (~50 miles). A slight downhill the whole way, but kept a moving average of over 17.5 mph! Crazy fast for me. Was with some great other tri ladies, and so it was a blast. When we got to the beach, we swam about a mile 🙂 We had taken a car of wetsuits down the night before. It was all in all a great day. I kinda wanted to ride back (a few people did so) but they left the same time those of us craving water went for a swim. So next time!

Tuesday I had a great run where I found a good hill that will be happy to kick my butt into shape. I then got in two 10 milers on the bike with my train commute.

Wednesday night I went for a bit of an interval run (4 mins in HR zone 3, 2 min in zone 2, and repeat). I could totally tell I've been eating well this week, as that run felt awesome and relaxed and great and energized!

Today was another bike commute, so one of the 10milers is done, and I've actually gotta run and get ready for the other now. Stopping in Rancho and getting in a swim and a pilates class on the way home.

Ok time to transform from computer Kylie to commuter Kylie. I take that p, and make it an m, just like that! Ok I'm done now =D

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