breaking in the commuter

Finally rode the commuter bike on the commute today! It means my tri-bike has no pedals right now (as the bike shop is ordering some cheapo looks for the commuter, and while waiting the good pedals are on the commuter bike). I also got a flat. I think the tube on the bike wasn't really good. Although it held air, I think it was really just old and dried. I tried to avoid replacing it by just adding air, but that wasn't going to cut it this time. So I stopped, and did the whole thing. My commuter bike's tires are way easier to get on and off than my tri-bike's.

Luckily it wasn't a day I was racing time, but had about 20 minutes of flex time in there, so I still made it in ok. And the bike handles nicely. I think I do want to put aerobars on though. I missed them!

My foot (that I rolled back around the beginning of Oct) is still kinda bugging me on and off. For some reason mostly after biking, not running, and not much during either. Maybe I should suck it up and just go get it checked out.

In a training class this week (C#) and it's pretty good… starting again so will have to stop this here =)

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