a good morning

Some mornings just feel good. After leaving the cuddly boy in my bed (he was leaving to run anyways) I drove to work and climbed on the bike. It was pretty cold out (jacket and long sleeves and tights w/ leg warmers over them cold), but I started with a 5 or 6 mile climb. Not so speedy, but some gorgeous views as the sun was rising over the valley! After some fun downhills, and some stretches of great road (and some not so great road) I think I’ve found a 15ish mile loop around work that I’ll keep — good amt of climbing, good traffic level, etc.

Oh, and I forgot originally to mention the small herd of deer… yes, 6 of them! 4 watched me pass, one hid, and one ran off. It was awesome. Reminded me of seeing the hawk a few days ago while biking along a bike path. He was soooo close, and didn’t move as Mike and I went by.

Got back to work, slid the bike into the car, peeled off the jacket and a legwarmer and started a run. Umm… a leg warmer? Yup. My transition was so fast I left one on! Heh. Didn’t matter too much since the work gym was about .2 miles away from the car, and I was going to leave my car keys in my locker, so I left the other leg warmer as well. During the run there I also noticed it was colder than I thought… I couldn’t really feel my toes. Oh well… off on a loop — and I hit my fastest mile that I know of right now 🙂 Ok, that doesn’t say much, but a 7:45 min mile is good for me, especially right off the bike, and with my heart rate low for most of it (until I noticed how fast I was going), and to keep going for another 3 miles after it, hitting another 8:30ish mile to end with. So good times, good times.

Got into work just in time for a meeting, which is being moved to 2:30 on Tuesdays instead of 9. Wooooo! I can workout longer if I want! 😀

3 thoughts on “a good morning

Yeah for good mornings. It was a little chilly than expected. I thought with our warm days, the mornings would be warmer too!

Where is Southern California are you seeing a herd of dear? Sounds like you have some nice route around your area. Care to share? A 7:45 mile is nothing to snear at. I’m working on beating my time down. At my first TRI I was going at a 16min/mi. But now, 3 months later, I’ve worked it down to 13:30. Its all relative, this clydes is happy. Sounds like a good workout. Good luck with all your PRs.

Thanks for the note Vortex! That ride was out in Redlands on Sunset Blvd 🙂

7:45 is not my normal time… I more mock my 10 min miles since it doesn’t seem to come down (working on that).

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