weekend report

It was a good weekend of accomplishment!

  1. Got my computer working (I had fried the hard drive about a year ago, and had a new one sitting around for a while. Even managed to recover all the stuff on the old drive! wooo!)
  2. Pilates on Saturday – I've been wanting to try more of the core classes at 24HF, and this one was a lot of fun.
  3. Swim – Saturday 500 warm up, 6×200, 500 cooldown. Not as comfortable/easy as the similar workout on Wednesday, but I realized why I was out of energy, and that it probably had something to do with not rehydrating well after pilates and having not eaten in hours 😉
  4. Bike – 40 miles on Sunday. CRAZY WIND!!! I actually walk/rolled my bike for about 50 feet on Baseline (like the whole sorta riding, but one foot basically on the ground or by it just in case) before turning onto Day Creek. Winds were so strong I had to lean into them to avoidbeing blown completely over, and every now and then they just moved me and the bike over a bit. I didn't like leaning into traffic on a 50mph road… so I headed back at about that point.
  5. Run – 8 miles on Sunday after the bike. My bike HR was zone 3 (70-85%), and the run one was supposed to be zone 2 – 3 (2 is 60-70%) so I took that to mean high zone 2, low zone 3, and went with a max of 150. It's HARD to stay lower than you were the last couple hours on the bike! But I managed (somehow) to keep a 152 average for it.
  6. Friends from the past – saw one of my old roommates and his girlfriend for the first time in almost a year and a half. It was great, as they have been very close friends. Also saw James, another friend I hadn't seen since a bit before my Ironman last April. Again, it was great – he's one of those people I have just felt comfortable around since I met him.
  7. Friends I see a lot – a group I often hang out with went to Medieval Times for the birthday of one of them. He also brought a girl he has known for a long time, and who none of us really knew. The Medieval Times part was fun – it's a neat show, even if their choreography and timing kinda sucked this time 😉 Oh and the blue knight was cute (and smelled good when we met him afterwards) but that's just details. However, the girl we didn't know had a bit of an alcohol issue which lead to behavior issues (and being a non-drinker it's a bit hard for me to relate) and to make a long story short, she is not someone any of us (including the guy who brought her) really care to see ever again. However, there was a bright side. The guy who brought her is newer in our group of friends, and the incident confirmed how well we do like him, and how much we all trust and respect each other.

Basically, this weekend gets an A+! It was nice on the fronts of friends and exercise, and I even managed to get sleep (well, not counting last night)! Oh and to top it off I'm not sore =)

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