initiation day & wonderful weekend

I finally did it! Just got the bike gear ready last night, wrote directions from the Metrolink station to work, and hopped on my bike this morning. A mile to the station by home, and then a bit over 9 miles once I reached the near work station 40 min later. Makes the commute longer, but way nicer! Only one bad thing… the whole time on the train I was thinking how I wish I had biked more… so I might bike the whole thing home. I love addictions. But man, this morning the crisp air and the gorgeous sunset were awesome. This also means that I just keep my bike at the foot of my bed instead of in the car. It's so pretty to see as I fall asleep and wake up =)

Oh and I won once I got to work as well! We have showers, and I thought I had left a towel in my office… risked it, and yup, there was one there waiting for me this morning. Which was nice, 'cause as much as I love the hard and unabsorbant papertowels we have here… it just wouldn't have been the same.

This weekend I also joined the Foothill Cyclery crew on their Saturday ride. About 36 miles (out to the Santa Fe Damn and back) with a bit of climbing. They are fun guys, and some even do a run when they get back!! I was the only girl though (*hint hint Lisa hint*).

Also starting soon: the ultra plan from Libor. Gotta figure out the max HR part though… perhaps today… I want to start it on Tuesday. Especially since I know bike training will be interrupted by holidays and travelling, but I can easily take run stuff up to the family's with me.

Wow I can feel so much positive energy. Riding beats driving by a bazillion percent!

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