still broken :(

My x-rays and amount of tenderness showed there is still some healing to go in the left wrist. But I did get the right brace off, so at least I have one hand now. Here is a pic of me in the Tour de France… sorta… at least I thought I was in it 😉 It was fun to ride along to.

And before you comment on the mess of my hair, you try putting long think curly hair into a ponytail with no thumbs! But damn my bike is sexy! Even with a duct taped aerobar… which, actually, I should be getting fixed today! My roommate not only takes great pics, but got me aerobars for almost dying and having a birthday.

More on the wrist… my doc is used to athletes so he’s having me get a CT scan next week so that he can get a better idea of if I’ll be able to race the Big Blue 24 hour adventure race up in Tahoe 9/10. I hope so… my partner misses me (at least I think so… even though he won the last BB24 hr as a solo racer!).

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