a quick run break and quote

Just went for a quick run as it's been a busy week. Got in 30 min and about 3.3 miles. Felt good to get out there, and happily the knee that I feel on felt just fine. So the tendons are probably all good 🙂 I went easy the first mile, 5-10k race pace the middle mile, and chilled the last part. The 2nd mile actually didn't feel that hard, and was an 8:06. It even included a hill! For me that is good, so I am happy. I have the endurance part built up now, so right now that is in maintenance mode and I'd like to increase the speed part. Another sign it was a good run? On part of a busier street there were a bunch of cars wizzing by, and I was thinking how it was neat to be out there with them. Haha… I usually like quiet streets, but I think today I was just glad to be moving.

Today I loved the shower part… new yummy smelling shampoo that is for after workouts only. Every little motivation helps some mornings.

Oh, and a good quote from a runner forum:

"Running is a road to self-awareness and reliance. You can push yourself to extremes and learn the harsh reality of your physical and mental limitations or coast quietly down a solitary path watching the earth spin beneath your feet. But when you are through, exhilarated and exhausted, at least for a moment everything seems right with the world"

And right now, even with people waiting at my office door and bugs in software and the computer not letting me log in all the places I need to, all seems right with the world.

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