jam-packed weekend

Friday was supposed to start with a swim… but I ended up getting stuck working from 2:30 – 6:15 am (yeah, crazy hours, but stuff needed to get done and I had a karate class at 9). Some of the work got done, and the swim got skipped since there were plans for a run at 6:30. The run went decent… lots of hills as I ran a trial I've mountain biked. My IT band acted up a bit, so I didn't go too hard, and I made to karate on time. Just a normal class, and then I got to work more (at a career faire from 11 – 3 and then back at the computer until 8pm, drove home, worked more from 9 -11, and was done for the weekend — I needed a break even if everything wasn't done yet).

Saturday and Sunday were biking days. Saturday I could feel how tired I was (got up at 8 for another karate class) and so didn't ride for quite as long as I wanted. Still got in some nice climbs though. Sunday was a club ride — Bear Training, which is prep for the Ride Around the Bear in June. And I thought Saturday had some nice climbs! It was fun though, and I felt pretty good on the hills. I'm getting more and more comfortable on the bike 🙂

Boring Stats from the run/bikes:
Fri Run: 8 miles in 1:22 with 1800 ft of climbing (and then elevation loss)
Sat Bike: 40 miles in 2:43 with 2600 ft of climbing (and then elevation loss)
Sun Bike: 47 miles in 3:43 with 3500 ft of climbing (and then elevation loss) + 6 miles in 30 min of biking to and from the ride start

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