blah blah bleck

Such an up and down day yesterday…
some great discussions during work
some reminders of being loved
some productivity, and some annoyances
some reminders of times and people that are past, and that I miss
some awesome students, and some that forgot their minds
some emails that made me feel loved
some notes made me a bit sad, but happy, too

our race team for Nov 12th is down to 3 people since the 4th got hit by
a car while biking 🙁 He is ok, but hospitalized. Some serious cuts
and such (like through the muscles). So while he should be ok in the
long run, he is facing some hard weeks. So my thoughts are with him and
his family, too. (for those of you who know I'll be racing with TdB soon, no, not someone from that team, so don't worry about that local hero).

I feel just drained, and like I need to go for
a run and let my thoughts have a pillow fight, but my foot is just sore
enough that I'm trying to be good. Why is it easy to see the good sometimes, and to get stuck on the bad on other days? Some days I just need an extra hug… especially with all this forced rest. At least the homemade pumpkin chocolate chip cookies should help start this day off better…

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