1st Century

The Tour de Palm Springs this weekend was a nice 104 miles. Some pretty bad roads, but some nice ones. Some nice climbing (up about 1500' in the first 20 miles, and about 4000' of climbing overall). The finish line was hard to find, but that was the only issue I had with the course. They should make the signs bigger and bigger the farther into the miles you get 🙂 I rode with some friends, so we took our time at rest stops, which was ok, and I wasn't at all sore at the end. Since elevation seems somewhat comparable to the IM AZ course (not positive on this yet) I'm feeling pretty confident I can finish that one in under 9 hours easily, and that under 8 (my IM goal) shouldn't be too hard once I'm a bit farther in training (this was 6:39 moving and 8:30 total). I could have ran after I got off as far as my legs were concerned, but having badly jammed (and at the time was still wondering if broke) my big toe/the ball of my foot, I didn't run this weekend. So that was good.

I'm feeling pretty accomplished when I think about the year being only just over a month in, and me having a century and marathon under my belt and not dead from either 🙂

And now for a lunchbreak run. I love working at a company with a gym and showers and weather that means today will be outdoors!

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